The Origin of AgriUT

The Origin of AgriUT
Why AgriUT is a natural fit for modern consumers

The AgriUT community is made up of people who view the world differently.

We are alternative thinkers who see the world beyond our own backyards.

Many of us worry about the problems affecting the world right now and how they will affect future generations. We want to solve issues like poverty, inequality, climate change and food security, just to name a few. Many of us want to make a difference but wonder how one person can be the cog that sets the wheel in motion.

Every day, in our own way, we do what we can - we buy sustainable products, we think about the origins of our food, we care about sustainability, we recycle, we plant trees... every little bit counts.

AgriUT came to be because we wanted to offer people like ourselves a trusted and transparent method of making a real difference to the issues that matter the most.

The AgriUt Utility Token is used for ‘rewarding’ farmers for the products that they grow. It is a token-incentivised system that increases farmer income, while adding a layer of transparency to the supply chain between millions of international consumers.

You can send a farmer a digital token directly from your digital wallet which can then be used by the farmer you’ve selected to purchase goods and services to help lift them out of poverty.

Smallholder farmers in developing nations produce 70% of the world's food.

While working with farmers, we realised the huge gaps on the other end of the supply chain.  Supermarket consumers are insulated from the origins of their food - we are disconnected from the originating farmer and have no avenues to engage with them.

Brands who are smart about sustainability are realising the growing demand amongst consumers like us to know the origins of our food and how it was produced. This includes consideration of the local environment and the wellbeing of the farmer and their communities. Conscious consumers are a new breed of shoppers - and brands are taking notice.

The compelling story of AgriUT is that you can apply your AgriUT reward token directly to the issue of your greatest personal concern - you could reward a farmer for planting trees, for using sustainable farming methods, for recycling, or simply for producing the beans used in the coffee that energizes your morning?

In the process, you are eliminating poverty for this huge group of people who live in the last mile (some say the first mile!) and are directly responsible for a significant amount of our food security.

You directly influence the positive outcome for these concerns through targeted AgriUT rewarding, for a purpose that aligns with your personal vision and values.

Over 59 farmers have already received their first AgriUT tokens, and we are in the process of registering another 700 coffee farmers in Ethiopia to the Agriwards program.

If you are interested in knowing more, joining the AgriUT community or are a company looking for a unique CSR program contact us on or explore more options at

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